Hello IR Shooters. I am very pleased to present talented IR Photographer, Peter Talke from New Jersey , and the chance to view his extensive IR work. Peter travels the world and brings back stunning IR Photography from the places that he is so fortunate to be able to visit. Peter is also beginning to use HDR with his IR work. Be sure to check out some of his High Definition images in his Gallery. HDR is a photography technique that obviously has a lot of potential for IR images. You will probably want to give it a try after seeing Peter's work. Here on The Buzz, Peter offers links to his fantastic IR Photography. Let us give a warm IR Buzz welcome to Peter Talke!
Bio: My name is Peter Talke I was born in

For my job I am lucky enough to travel the world. I get a chance to see many wonderful places and take photos in my free time. I then decided to start Talke Photography and a travel photo blog called Places 2 Explore to share my stories and pictures to my readers. I wanted to post 6 days a week (Sundays off) and everyday I get excited to post a new photo. I shoot in various styles (standard, HDR and IR) My blog is now one of the fastest growing travel photo blogs in the world!! Since 2009 I have now been published in magazines, books and advertisements. Recently I began to supply some of my photographs to Getty Images.
During my continual learning process I purchased books on varied subjects. One was Digital Infrared Pro Secrets (by David Busch). I witnessed great photographs in IR. I immediately went out and purchased a Hoya R72 filter. The learning process was slow. I didn't like the fact I could not see my photo in the viewfinder after taking a picture. My results were just ok. I bumped into a web site online by a company called LifePixel. I read that they could take an old camera and convert it to IR. It was a bit expensive ($400), so I saved and waited. Then early 2009 I sent my old Nikon D70S (was just collecting dust) in for conversion. 2-3 weeks later I was shooting IR! A learning curve was needed and in about 1 month, my IR photos were taking shape. I enjoyed that my converted camera would show me the pics in the viewfinder and I could now use interchangeable lenses for any IR shot I wanted!
Processing IR is extremely fun. I could write a tutorial but there are so many ways to process an IR image. You can make it colorful or black & white. The fun of IR photography is that it is up to your interpretation. Some of my processed IR shots were made by having fun and fooling around in Photoshop!
Now whenever I travel I always bring 2 cameras. My standard and my converted IR camera. Great IR shots are everywhere. I try to look for trees, blue sky with some clouds, grass, lakes (with reflections if possible) - these are some items that make a solid IR shot. Light levels are also important. Shoot IR when the sun is at its brightest and it will make your subjects pop (early morning or late afternoon)! But with IR you do not always have to shoot during the day. Night shots are possible as well! Even recently as my enjoyment with shooting HDR has grown, I have begun shooting IR-HDR's! Shooting in IR is fun...so just go out and shoot anything you like! Options are endless in IR!
As I always say...when your are about to press down the shutter...don't just take a picture, make a picture!
Some favorites of my own IR images:
Link to My IR Gallery
Infrared Photos
Copyright Statement: All images and materials displayed and showcased here, are copyrighted and are the exclusive property of the artist. Images and material may not be reproduced or used in any way without the written consent of the artist.
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Please let Peter know how much you enjoy his stunning IR Photography!
-=- Jerry -=-
Peter, your IR photos are excellent: so crisp with great contrast. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
Interesting blog. Thanks for your post.
Great photos!! Good job!!
Hello Peter,
May I ask how do you post process your IR photos? I tried it but it doesn't look good at all. hope you can share some of your secrets..=)
I used to shoot Kodak HIE until they stopped manufacturing it. I am now in the anticipation stage of waiting to get my new digital back from Life Pixel converted to deep b&w infrared. I can't wait.
I like your work. Thanks Peter for sharing.
peter you are a great photographer. such a nice photo you have.....
Wow Peter, that is quite a body of work you have there. I envy you the opportunity to travel the world and capture IR photos from so many locals. Thanks for sharing your photography here on the Buzz.
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